
03 avril 2014

GS LC - la photo du jour

Mise à jour 04.04

Ich habe von Tomas Kocanda (CO-Owner Touratech CZ) folgende Info bekommen:

"...we developed reinforcement of the stem - made from steel. You have to fix the damaged part. In this case I´m not sure, if replacement would not be only option. We saw damaged frame on this place three times and only once BMW agreed to replace it for free. In the other two cases was possible to bent the upper cup back in position - it was not cracked, so welding was not required. Then we install the reinforcement and we are sure it will help a lot as the reinforcement is in principle new axis (shaft), what connect the upper clamp with the bottom of the stem tube, what is not in use by default. If you look at the tube from bottom, you will see that only part of the tube lenght is used for stabilisation of the upper clamp and handlebars. So even minor crash force on handlebars will damage the upper cup of the stem tube as the set inside is not long enough. Our idea was to extend the force on whole stem tube - so we use even the other end, what is empty by default..."

Touratech semble sur le point de faire un renfort. Ils semblent avoir vu 3 fois le problème avec seulement un remplacement sous garantie. La longeur du tube ne serait pas assez grande.


Une photo fait le tour de la communauté GS aujourd'hui

Le propriétaire n'est pas content car BMW semble le faire attendre au niveau de la garantie (plus de 10 semaines).

Bon, le pilote n'est pas un manche il me semble mais est-ce que la GS est une moto d'enduro?

Par contre, son commentaire sur le fait qu'il y a d'autres motos (4) avec le même problème ...

Hi folks I just want to give you little snapshot of the picture of my 2013 BMW watercooled bike since it's been in the shop for 10 1/2 weeks as of today. Bmw has been the most unpleasant business to deal with as far as warranty goes that I've ever had to deal with in my life. For you people out there that know me my bike is very important to me I ride every single day and promote their brand and I have been getting the shaft for the last 10 plus weeks. This is supposed to be a warranty issue and they supposed to of tried to fix it that is not worked yet and they will not make a decision on trying to get me into another bike I am so frustrated, I hope no one has to deal with this it will put you over the edge I promises. There has been four of these bikes that we ride with as of right now that are cracked also.
More to come later.

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