
23 novembre 2013

GS LC - problème butée de direction (suite)

Suite de l'article du mois d'août

Un propriétaire de GS LC a lancé un groupe Facebook concernant ce problème

"There is no direct evidence, but possibly BMW has done an internal recall on our frame. That part number is now gone and un-orderable. I think this is not relevant, as I know the defect was on a very limited number of bikes, so recalling the whole part number is not helpful to the problem: the problem wasn't with the design, but was with quality control/manufacturing defect. They may be getting ready to stuff the damper down our throats with a broader recall which would also fix our problem (I really don't want one...). This is pure speculation. I know you would be happy though."

L'outil VIN de BMW

Les dates de production des motos touchées sont par exemple:

20.03 / 26.03 / 28.03 (2013)

Ma moto produite le 15.02.13 n'est pas touchée.

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